A miscommunication is kicking up quite a lot of dust, Aries. The trouble that’s rolling out as a result is painful and causing you to feel unsafe. Do what you can to minimize your reaction. If you see all the distortion here, you’ll start to feel better and find a way to untangle the trouble quickly. You’ve been trying to keep powerful feelings under wraps but it’s starting to create an intense amount of internal pressure. Blow off steam any way you can before you completely lose your composure. A repressed desire needs to be examined. There’s just no way to push this away. Give it space to show you what it can be for you. There is wisdom in allowing yourself to want what you want without censorship.
Change is underway in your life, Taurus. Big and profound change. A part of you has completely surrendered to the process, which is a wonderful place to be. Though you’re not sure where you’re going, you’re willing to let go of control in order to find out. This is not easy, so be proud of your ability to flow. An unfair situation is finally reaching resolution. You might not be totally satisfied with the outcome but at least there’s been a degree of healing. Do what you can to put and end to this chapter of the story. It has eaten up enough of your energy. A business idea has you energized and ready to buckle down. It will be easy to draw support and resources into play as you move forward with confidence.
You’re ready to move into a whole new way of being. It can’t happen fast enough, really. The restlessness you feel in your bones is making it impossible to focus on the tasks at hand. Though you really don’t want to, you might need to slow down Gemini. It’s just not quite time to leap into new things. Painful memories are coming to consciousness. You have a tendency this week to be hard on yourself for things you think you did wrong long ago. This is just a sign that you’re getting ready to take another big leap. Hold steady and don’t let the negativity affect you too much. Wishes are about to come true, so there’s no need to entertain anything less than the best. You’re going to love what’s coming down the pike.
You’ve been immersed in a competitive situation and its tough to think about anything besides what it would take to win. You’re going to win, Cancer but be prepared to feel let down in victory. Somehow the rewards aren’t as sweet as you imagined and if there’s been any underhanded or manipulative action on your part, you’ll feel sort of dirty about it all. Stay with your integrity as you move through this. A big new idea has you ready to take risks and move forward. You’re still developing the best approach to this space. Stay fluid and allow yourself to be super creative as you jump into it. You’re more than a little moody right now. Let the emotions spread through you so that they can be released. Let go.
Whether you know it or not, you’ve closed yourself off from something wonderful. You’re looking around wondering why there isn’t more beauty in your world Leo. It’s there and if you open up you’ll see it. You need a new direction to explore and you need it now. Boredom is causing you to feel anxious and irritable. A new path is starting to become more visible though you’re not sure exactly where it leads yet. Let that be ok. There are tensions brewing in spaces you count on to offer security and support. This is unsettling but you don’t have to get dragged into it. Use this as an excuse to seek new avenues of support. They’re out there waiting to be discovered. Let yourself wander away from the familiar.
A bonus of some kind is helping you relax into abundance Virgo. Stress about security and safety has temporarily abated. This stress would leave you for good if you could really sink into the knowing that you will be fine, no matter what. You don’t have to work so hard. Life needn’t be so riddled with effort. You’re in the midst of the end of a cycle. What would you like to experience next? You can have it. Part of how you make it happen is by believing what you want is possible. There are hard energies around you but these are not energies you generated and they’re not energies you can fix. As soon as you allow yourself to step back and unhook from it all, you’ll find resolution much more attainable.
A fantasy is starting to get painful, Libra. You want this thing so badly that you can hardly focus on anything else. You’re objective enough to see the obsession but you can’t stop. This is making you feel weak and out of control. Is there a way to see what’s happening as part of a greater healing? As soon as you stop resisting how your healing is unfolding, you ‘ll feel better. You are so ready for something new. Life feels dull and boring and this is part of why the fantasy has such a powerful grip on you. Listen to your intuition and trust your instincts. You are close to creating a version of this dream that feels right and satisfying. Get to the root of what it is you’re searching for. From there, you’ll find it.
You’re bursting with energy and the desire to risk it all. This is an excellent space to be in because there’s no fear and no limitation. Go ahead and play Scorpio. At the very least, imagine everything that’s possible. You need lots of movement and plenty of healthy outlets for the fire inside you. If you keep all this energy bottled up, you’ll find it impossible to be productive because you’ll be so busy trying to handle what’s happening internally. Contemplate what it means to flow even though what you’re experiencing is coming in fits and starts. Being in love with what’s happening is a wonderful place to be. You can see the magic in everything around you and this makes even the biggest challenges delightful.
People are seeing you as an expert, Sagittarius. It feels good to be recognized for your skills and abilities at long last. You’ve been toiling for a long time to reach this place of validation. Bask in it before you rush to find the next big adventure. You love ideas and you love knowledge. See how much you know. It’s important and it can help you move forward even further, faster. Your creativity is off the charts this week and you’re tempted to push yourself to the limit. If you’re going to expend so much energy, you also need to find ways to replenish in order to keep going. Balance and healing can be a big part of your forward momentum. Part of achieving more harmony is recognizing you need it.
You are so ready to leave the old ways behind and try something new, Capricorn. In your desire for freshness, you may be tempted to cast aside things that actually work. Be careful. Really examine every aspect of your life and identify where to apply the energy of change. A big decision has you a little worried. You’re just not sure what to do but as soon as you know it really doesn’t matter, you’ll find your mobility again. No matter what you choose, you’re going to end up where you want to be. Don’t be surprised to discover that as you move into your exciting future, you start to feel more sentimental about what you’re leaving behind. Go ahead and feel what’s happening as you set one foot in front of the other.
You’re so determined to protect what’s yours that you’re actually clamping down on the flow of abundance, Aquarius. There’s no need to hoard or feel threatened. There’s plenty to go around and the more you allow resources to come in and out of your sphere, the more will be there when and if you need it. Make peace with a situation that’s been unfair. You simply can’t make this right all on your own. There may be bigger reasons why this is so imbalanced that you just don’t understand yet. Be open to experiencing a miracle. Your body could use a little extra care. Simple, sensual treats will make you feel more alive and energized. Don’t write this stuff off as frivolous. It’s important and can help sooth your frayed nerves.
A journey has begun. You might be traveling through new cities and towns or simply exploring your inner terrain in more depth. Exotic sights and sounds are inspiring your creativity and helping you change up dull routines. It’s a magical and mysterious time and you’re falling in love with everything around you. Unfortunately, there are tensions and troubles affecting the people you love, which means it’s affecting you. Notice how tempting it is to throw yourself into the middle of the tension in hopes of healing it. Try something different this time. You don’t need to take on responsibility for what’s happening. Allow it to work itself out. It will. In the meantime, enjoy your travels.